Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hello world! Today I'm going to talk about the movie "Bully." It is a documentary following 5 children who have been bullied in their schools. This documentary really depicts the life of someone who is being bullied. Most of the kids who are bullied are in Middle School and High School. Some of the stories that the parent or child tells you is a real eye-opener. Bullying is everywhere. It is a strong film that delivers it's message to the public effectively. Bullying needs to stop, and it will continue to happen if someone doesn't stand up. it only takes one person to make a change.

 I highly recommend everyone to watch this movie. It is rated PG-13, but beware there is foul adult language used in this film. You can watch this on Netflix or Youtube if your lucky.  Here's a trailer for you.

I thought this movie was moving, and powerful. I can relate to this movie because I was once bullied in Elementary School and Middle School. Middle School was the hardest time for me, especially 6th and 7th grade. This movie will make you cry so make sure you have a box of tissues near you. I watched this movie again for the second time and I still cried like a baby. Though it does have it's happy moments because there is something being done about it. Us. We are the change to help put an end to bullying. Will you put an end to this? Join me!